How To Protect Your Hair From The Summer Heat

How To Protect Your Hair From The Summer Heat

Beach vacations. Pool time. Swimsuits. Ice cream. Long days, short nights, sun rays, warm weather, and school holidays. Summers are always associated with happiness and carefreeness.

The summer is a welcome respite from the previously cold months, but in the UAE the heat can quickly become quite taxing.

While we take measures to protect our skin and health by copiously applying sunscreen and chugging water, we often overlook an important part of us that bears the full brunt of the heat. Our Hair. 

In the summer, the scorching heat ends up damaging our hair when it's exposed to the harmful UV rays, especially the outer layer of the hair known as the cuticle. Our hair as a result swells up to attract humidity which in turn makes it brittle, dry and frizzy. The stuffy heat can also cause sunburn and dryness of the scalp. Another side effect of the heat is the resulting sweat which causes hairfall and dandruff among other problems. The heat certainly proves to be detrimental to hair and it is important to prioritize effective healthcare to combat this annually. It is crucial to provide your hair with the treatment it requires rather than just over moisturizing which can only lead to more problems. 

Here are some steps you can take to ensure that your hair retains its quality and also looks and stays healthy during the summer. 

  1. Nip the problem in the bud by wearing scarves and light hats to cover your hair and scalp when you’re out in the sun. Make sure to wear thin and wispy scarves that don’t feel heavy on your hair. Covering your hair reduces the extent to which it is exposed to the heat and UV rays. Choose hats and caps that shield you from the sun without making the scalp and skin sweat. This is an effective and relatively simple method to prevent hair and scalp from being potentially damaged. 

  1. It’s a wise choice to go for a haircut or a trim in the summer. If not a haircut, a trim is still a smart option. Trimming the hair regularly makes it easier to manage since it reduces the split ends. If hair is not regularly trimmed, the splitting would continue all the way up and damage the overall hair structure. You don’t need to worry about losing your hair after a haircut as your hair grows faster in the summers because the hair strands are in what is called the anagen phase or growth phase. 

  1. Another preventive measure is introducing changes in your hair wash routine for the summer. While it can be tempting to repeatedly wash your hair to cool out the effects of the summer, it can wear out the hair and make it limp. It can also make hair greasier due to the buildup caused by shampoos that contain silicon, sulfate and paraben. It’s best to limit hair washes to 3 times a week. No matter what, only use lukewarm water or cold water. Cold water is great for both the quality and health of the hair as it closes the pores in the scalp giving the hair cuticle a natural and firm look. However, a cold hair wash can be counterproductive if not for a good shampoo, so we recommend Moremo Scalp Shampoo Clear and Cool. Free of toxic ingredients like paraben, silicon, this shampoo nourishes and provides moisture to the scalp while simultaneously removing flakes and dandruff. Moremo Revitalizing Tonic perfectly complements the shampoo in the summer as it helps provide the cool and fresh feeling your scalp craves during the heat. 

While the mentioned products can be used for all hair types, one must pay attention to hair type and scalp condition to use the suited products that will accordingly combat the harmful effects of the heat. Using the wrong product can result in a decline of the hair’s quality. Moremo offers shampoos for oily scalp (Caffeine Biome shampoo for Oily scalp) as well as dry scalp (Caffeine Biome shampoo for Normal and Dry scalp). The treatment for both widely differs which is why it is important to use the specific shampoo for it. Another helpful product that is fortunately suitable for all hair types is the Ampoule Water treatment Miracle 100 that gives your hair softness and luster in just 100 seconds. Apart from its hair strengthening properties, it’s the perfect product for the summer when your hair is completely unpredictable. 

Make the most of your summer and enjoy it to the fullest while also providing your hair with the care it deserves! The summer heat can tire you out but that doesn’t need to stop your hair from being in pristine condition and serving amazing looks.

#Haircare #summerhair #hairtips 

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